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Use OpenTofu as Docker Image

OpenTofu is available as OCI container images, and distributed via public GitHub Packages registry.


Images are hosted as packages in opentofy GitHub organization. See the list of available versions here.

The multi platform images are available using the following tags:

  • latest: latest overall version of OpenTofu,
  • Major: a specific major version of OpenTofu,
  • Major.Minor: a specific minor version of OpenTofu,
  • Major.Minor.Patch: a specific patch version of OpenTofu.

To pull platform-specific images (amd64, arm, arm64, 386) use:

  • <Version>-<Platform>: a platform specific version of OpenTofu.


To pull the image from GitHub Packages registry:

Code Block
docker pull

To run OpenTofu as a Docker container:

Code Block
docker run \
--workdir=/srv/workspace \
--mount type=bind,source=.,target=/srv/workspace \ \